Travel information

Get to and around Cadaqués.

How to get to Cadaqués


From Barcelona

  • By train from Barcelona Sants Station, take the train from Renfe, direction Figueres, then take the bus from Figueres to Cadaqués

  • By train from Barcelona Sants, take train TGV direction Figueres-Vilafant, then take the bus from Figueres to Cadaqués

  • By boat, you will find many buoys to moor your ship. The cost of the berth depends on the time and the length of the ship. Those who wish to moor for a maximum of a month, will have to contact the following companies, each one administers a different area. For more information contact Serveis Marítims de Cadaqués. Opening hours: from Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 2.00p.m.         Mail

From Figueres

  • By bus from Figueres, bus direction Cadaqués. Bus terminal is located opposite the train station. 1 hour trip

  • By Taxi 60€ - 65€ directly from the train station


The village of Cadaqués, shielded by the surrounding mountain range, is at the heart of the protected natural park of cabo creus in Catalonia. Only connected to the outside world by a 15 kilometre winding road. It faces the sea and follows seasonal changes. Nature here is protected, its delightful coves for swimming as well as for meditating, the landscapes are spectacular.

Because it is isolated, Cadaqués offers both a feeling of heavenly bliss and an out of this world one. It invites intimacy. The village with its unique sensitivity and history is so different. Incadaqués mixed with the spirit of photography is a marriage made in paradise.

Here the heady mix of cultural and recreational assets makes it the festival’s trump card, Incadaqués. Port Lligat, the blue house, the Santa Maria church, the coves, the cafés, and restaurants, the art galleries lend themselves to the staging of a festive and pleasurable event.

Incadaqués or photography as a way of life. Sensitivity, beauty, contemplation as a strength.