Nyima Marin


Nyima Marin

Photographer Nyima Marin (1987) lives and works in the Paris area. In 2009, after studying physics in Italy, he entered the ENS Louis Lumière and moved to Paris. In 2012, two years after winning the Grand Prix Paris Match du Photoreportage Étudiant, he graduated from the photography section after having directed several documentary projects. He then became assistant of the photographer Jean Larivière and began a personal questioning oriented towards an introspective approach to the photographic medium and exploring its narrative possibilities, in parallel with regular commissioned work. This research led him to be selected for the Planche(s) Contact residency in Deauville, where he Deauville, where he presented his series "Le souvenir des marins", in November 2017. In the summer of 2019, he showed his series "L'est de l'été" in Lyon during his first solo exhibition. He has since been working on "L'adieu du Minotaur", a project based on Crete, his native land, and the first part of a research around the myth and the origins.


Minotaur's farewell

In the face of the global ecological crisis, I yearned to reconnect with a universal essence and explore my ancestral roots. Returning to Crete, my birthplace, I sought primal images and the pure beauty of ancient geometric forms. I aimed to evoke indescribable memories and a shared melody from time immemorial. Among the stones, I sought the echo of a primal cry, as if I were a child balancing between beasts and gods.

Through photography, I created a timeless space, transcending boundaries. The cyanotype's blue hues blurred the line between humanity and inhumanity, flesh and stone. These monochromatic fragments became a shared perspective across generations, linking humanity's gaze upon this earth—a window suspended above time.

In these images, my body dissolved into a representative of our species and the myth of our origins. I embodied Adam, Minos, a Minoan toiling on arid land, Zeus gazing from Mount Ida, and Thesee standing before the Labyrinth's entrance. I was the solitary monster awaiting liberation in rocky corridors.

The resulting series of blue images captured the essence of a profound search for origins—a tribute to nature and a farewell to the deserted labyrinth, symbolic of my farewell to the land of my birth, where the world began under the earliest light.


Magali Koenig


Oliver Chanarin