Adriana López Sanfeliu


Adriana López Sanfeliu is a visual storyteller: photojournalist, documentary photographer and filmmaker born in Barcelona. After obtaining a degree in Art History at the University of Barcelona and Paul Valery in Montpelier, she moved to New York where she studied documentary photography at the International Center of Photography.  There she worked as a photojournalist for the international press, such as the New York Times, El País, La Republica, Glamour and was a teacher for more than ten years. From 2012 to 2015 she was Elliott Erwitt's assistant on his international projects.
Her photographic work deals mainly with aspects related to the human condition, it is characterized by her ability to build close relationships of trust with her protagonists in order to look and share empathy through the camera. The series presented in Cadaqués is called “Brooklyn’s Secrets”.


Brooklyn’s Secret


Aglaé Bory