Yurian Quintanas Nobel


Instagram @yurian_quintanas

He was born in Amsterdam in 1983, but he grew in Catalunya, where he is currently living. his personal photographic projects are focused on photographing the people, the natural environment and his own surroundings. he uses photography to approach the intangible, the hidden side, and explore its mysteries. Nor he takes photographs to inform, although everything that appears in his pictures is real, they are things and people that are there, but seen from his reality. 

His works has been exhibited internationally and his been chosen for awards like the SFR Jeunes Talents for ParisPhoto (2014), the Open Call award of the Encontros da Imagem (2015) and the selection as LensCulture Emerging Talent (2018). Burn Magazine, British Journal of Photography, DOC!, Lens Culture, Positive Magazine or Ojo de Pez, are some of the media in which his pictures have been published.


Dream Moons

Dream Moons

Dream Moons talks about the home as a psycological space where everything can happen. There is no warmth and no protection within the walls of this imaginary place, each corner can lead us to a new experience that we must face up without knowing how. In this journey everything turns strange and unestable and everything we know as our comfort zone, falls apart, leaving us dwelling in a different reality even without being aware of it.


Yu-Chen Chiu